Trigger Point Acupuncture & Dry Needling
Used to relieve acute muscle strain, reduce inflammation and promote proper circulation.
Trigger point acupuncture, also known as dry needling, directly needles the muscle to release the tension in the muscle fiber to provide pain and stiffness relief. The best results are achieved when a combination of trigger point and classic channel acupuncture is used to relax the muscle, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation.
What happens to the body
Fatigue and/or strain cause muscle fibers to tense up and become “stuck”. There are areas within the muscles that have thicker fibers and are more susceptible to getting stuck, holding more tension, or getting injured.
How trigger point works
The needle is inserted directly into the muscle to release the tension in the muscle fiber, which will often “trigger” the pain being experienced by the patient. It may also cause the pain to refer or travel to a different spot near the muscle. The classic Chinese term for these points is Ah Shi, which loosely translates to “OW! That’s it!”.
Questions about dry needling?
Trigger point acupuncture is a specific type of acupuncture that differs a little bit from traditional acupuncture techniques. Traditional acupuncture accesses the communication system that the body uses to regulate every type of function necessary to ensure proper circulation and health. It can have a profound effect on all the systems including circulatory, immune, endocrine, & nervous.
Trigger point acupuncture works best for acute cases of muscle strain and tension. It may be used for chronic conditions, but the underlying cause of the condition always needs to be addressed to guarantee the best results
Done properly, TPA should have an immediate effect on relaxing the muscles, improving circulation, and reducing inflammation.
No form of acupuncture should be painful, but TPA is often used in cases where pain and discomfort already exist. The muscles will likely be more sensitive and reactive. There may be immediate discomfort, but there may also be immediate relief. Soreness at the muscle site is the most common side effect.
All acupuncturists are trained to perform trigger point needling properly and safely.