Acupuncture and The Common Cold

By the Acuworx Team

Feel like you’re coming down with a cold? Your doctor may send you home with instructions to rest and hydrate, but here are some additional tips for self-care.


In Chinese Medicine, one of the earliest stages of cold symptoms are body aches and chills. If you’ve been outside in the cold/snow or suddenly feel achy and sore (especially around the neck) and it’s not related to a hard workout. Try to kick your immune system into shape by SWEATING!! Bundle up under layers of blankets, take the hottest shower you can stand, and drink hot miso soup/bone broth to warm up. Inducing your body to sweat ramps up the internal temperature and kills early stage bacteria and viruses before they can infect your glands. Be careful though, the timing of this therapeutic method is crucial because once the additional cold symptoms kick in, sweating no longer works. You can tell it’s too late when symptoms like sore throat, coughing, and sneezing set in. 


When those nasty cold symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and sore throat appear, it’s time for an acupuncture appointment. Most don’t realize acupuncture can help with common cold symptoms, not to mention hasten recovery!  A recent research study from Japan had results that demonstrated a measured increase in survival rate compared to the control group. And those that were sick recovered several days earlier than the control group. That means, if exposed, catching a cold may be delayed. And if you do catch it, acupuncture can help recover faster.  Additional herbs may be prescribed by your practitioner to kick the cold faster, thus letting you get back to a normal routine sooner. 

Click here to book your Acuworx Preventative session now! 


Sometimes it may seem like your cold has resolved, but then ……just…….drags….. on. Or, even more frustrating, feel like getting another cold after you’ve gotten better. Taking a good look at lifestyle such as diet and nutritional supplements, stress management, and habits can be a way to help boost immunity. Consult with your acupuncturist about ways to minimize colds and how herbal supplements can help to recover and to boost immunity. 


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So, washing your hands frequently, as in a lot, lot, could not be more understated. Just got off the PATH? Wash your hands. Just handle cash paying for morning coffee? Wash your hands. Touch the breakroom fridge at lunch? You get the idea. Millions of studies show how the simple act of hand-washing goes a long way toward prevention of many illnesses.  


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